The Five Minute Fix Ep39 - Financial marketing & innovation in 2024

Patrick Lambert


Entrepreneur, Presenter. Marketing, Web3, Cars, Property.

Currently working on uGen: Web3 social content platform

Ben Collins is a Creative Director 👑
Business Founder x 5 🚀
Loves nuts 🥜

Writes about entrepreneurship, marketing and the gym

The Five Minute Fix Ep39 - Financial marketing & innovation in 2024

This week on The Five Minute Fix Ben & Patrick Lambert talk about financial marketing in 2024 ⚡ 💥 Can TradFi keep up with disruptor brands? 💥 Can tight financial compliance actually boost creativity? 💥 Are the next generation more financially literate? (Yes) 💥 Patrick is on holiday and I am ill. GFY 💥 How can financial institutions create more stand-out marketing campaigns in 2024?

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